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  • Writer's pictureProvence Tablecloth


Serves 4 The original quiche Lorraine has no cheese, writes Julia Child in “From Julia Child’s Kitchen.” If you’re inclined to add some, use ¾ cup coarsely grated Gruyere, Swiss, Roquefort, cheddar, Parmesan, or another of your choice. PASTRY

1¾ cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

1¼ sticks chilled butter

2 tablespoons chilled lard or shortening

⅓ to ½ cup ice water

Extra flour (for sprinkling)Butter (for the foil)1. Have on hand an 8-or-9-inch fluted French tart pan with removable base.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the flour and salt. Rapidly cut the butter lengthwise into quarters, then into ¼-inch pieces. Drop them into the flour. Cut the lard or shortening into small pieces and add them too. Turn the mixer to medium and in a minute or so, the mixture should look like coarse meal.

3. Sprinkle with ⅓ cup ice water and continue mixing for a few seconds or until the dough masses on the beaters. Add more water by droplets to unblended bits.

4. Scrape the dough out of the mixer onto a floured counter. Gather the dough into a ball and press it firmly into a thick cake about 4 inches in diameter. Wrap in foil and refrigerate for 2 hours.

5. On a lightly floured counter, roll the dough until it is 2 inches larger than your pan. Lift it onto the rolling pin and unroll it over the pan. Lift the edges to settle them in the bottom of the pan. With your thumbs, work the dough gently down the sides of the pan to make them thicker and sturdier than the bottom. Roll the rolling pin over the top of the pan. Trim off excess dough. Push the dough up to make a ⅛ -inch ridge all around the rim. With the dull edge of a table knife, make a decorative pattern around the rim. Prick the bottom well all over with a fork. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 6. Set the oven at 450 degrees. 7. Butter a large sheet of foil. Ease it, buttered side down, into the dough. Fill with dried beans or rice. 8. Bake the pastry in the lower-middle level of the oven for 7 to 8 mninutes or until the pastry is set but still slightly soft. Remove the foil and beans or rice, prick the bottom well again with a fork, and return foil and beans to the pastry. Bake 2 to 3 minutes more or until the shell just begins to color. Remove from the oven and cool. Set the pan on a baking sheet.

FILLING 5 thick slices bacon, cooked until crisp

3 eggs

Salt and pepper, to taste

Pinch of grated nutmeg

½ cup cream

1½ tablespoons butter, cut into ¼-inch pieces

1. Set the oven at 375 degrees. Place a rack in the upper-middle level. 2. Crumble the bacon into the pastry shell. 3. In a bowl, beat the eggs, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Pour the mixture into a 2-cup measure. Add enough of the cream to come up to the 1¼-cup level. Pour the mixture into the pastry; it should come ¼ inch from the rim. Dot with the butter. 4. Bake the quiche for 30 to 35 minutes or until the mixture rises and browns. A skewer inserted into the center of the quiche should be clean when withdrawn. If necessary, continue baking for 3 or 4 minutes. 5. Set the tart pan on a small bowl so the sides fall away. Slide the quiche onto a dish or board and cut into wedges. Adapted from “From Julia Child’s Kitchen”

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